Trade conditions

Trade conditions

Prices and delivery:
Grainit ApS sells access to the product Grainit. Grainit ApS is only dealing with companies that have a legal registration number.
All prices are quoted in Danish Kroner (DKK) and excl. 25% VAT.
Grainit is not a physical product but sale of a subscription / service.
We may cancel your order due to transcription errors, technical issues, supply shortages and similar situations.

All products have a 12 months subscription period, which can be terminated 1 month before the end of a 12 month subscription period.
The customer chooses whether to pay annually or monthly. If an annual payment is chosen, the full amount will be charged by establishment of setup. If monthly payment is selected, the amount is charged at the beginning of the month.
Only credit card payment is supported and a valid credit card must be registered upon establishment of setup (unless otherwise agreed with Grainit ApS). The credit card information is stored encrypted by the payment provider and Grainit ApS does not have access to read this data.
When payment is completed, the product can be put into service by the provided username and password.
When payment is completed, an email with acknowledgement receipt / invoice will be sent. If monthly payment is selected, an email with acknowledgement receipt / invoice will be sent after each payment.

Supported credit cards: VISA and MASTERCARD.

At the time the product has been in operation, it cannot be returned. However, we do our living by satisfied customers, so please contact us if you are not satisfied.
Personal data:
All personal information communicated in the context of orders at Grainit ApS (at remains with Grainit ApS and will not be for sale or rent or otherwise made available under any circumstances, unless specifically requested by you as a customer - for example in the event of integration with data providers.
Furthermore, all personal data are encrypted in the database and all pages are transmitted through https - i.e. encrypted connection between your computer and the server.
Information about us:
Company name: Grainit ApS
Address: Agro Food Park 13, 8200 Aarhus
Tlf: +4570204563
Company form: Danish private limited company
CVR-nummer (legal registration number): 37606480
Establishment: 2016
Industry: 620100 Computer programming